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Capital Projects Fund

The ARPA Capital Projects Fund (CPF) is a part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, designed to support critical capital projects that directly enable work, education, and health monitoring, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund provides financial resources to states, territories, and tribal governments to invest in projects that help expand access to reliable, high-quality modern infrastructure, including broadband internet, digital connectivity, and other essential facilities.



Key Points:

  • Purpose: The CPF aims to address gaps in infrastructure, especially in underserved and rural areas, to ensure that all communities have access to essential services needed for economic recovery and resilience.

  • Funding: The ARPA allocated $10 billion to the CPF.  American Samoa was allocated $14,285,714.29.

  •  Eligible Projects: Projects eligible for funding include those related to broadband infrastructure, digital connectivity technologies, and other capital projects that promote telework, telehealth, and remote learning.

  • Administration: The U.S. Department of the Treasury administers the fund, working with state and local governments to determine the allocation of resources.


This fund is part of a broader effort under the ARPA to stimulate the economy and provide support for communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.




The American Samoa Department of Commerce (ASDOC) plans to develop the American Samoa Innovation & Technology Campus (ASITC) to provide services or activities that directly enable work, education, and health monitoring for the territory of American Samoa. The ASITC will accomplish this through the design & construction of inter-dependent community facilities that will bring together workforce development, entrepreneurialism & job creation, and access to improved healthcare & wellness services. The ASITC will also be unique in that each facility will be designed to include fiber-to-the-premises and be constructed to leverage the power of the internet and the investment that the American Samoa Government has made to link to the trans-pacific Hawaiki submarine cable. The ASITC will be developed in the village of Tafuna, making it accessible to most residents.


Enabling Education

The ASITC will be comprised of multiple community facilities, including those dedicated to workforce training & counseling programs; apprenticeship programs; digital literacy training programs; and modern learning hubs.


Enabling Work

The ASITC will be comprised of multiple community facilities, including those dedicated to supporting businesses, business incubators & accelerators, start-up companies, small business development centers, business resource centers, business financing hubs, and business counseling resources.


Enabling Health Monitoring

The ASITC will be comprised of multiple community facilities, including those dedicated to providing healthcare and health monitoring services such as telehealth providers, health education & counseling (obesity & NCDs), community health screening services, and mental health services.





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